Superheroine Japan Leona Sun Ranger

The United Nations formed a unit called the Special Forces Sunranger by three selected warriors from all over the world and confronted the secret society evil secret society Dagon. One day a strange incident frequently occurs in each country. People suddenly found themselves in a mummified body. At the same time an incident occurred in which Tutankhamen was robbed from Egypt's exposition. At that time, child abduction cases frequently occurred in Japan. Sun ranger feels the conspiracy of Dagon in a suspicious suspicious death case and a kidnapping case, and starts an investigation. Dagon monster Noroi Mamy attacks San Junior who was decoy himself and Mass. The fact which became clear ... It was that the Dagon's chief administrative dogma deconstructed the technology of immortality and immortality from the lithograph left by Tutankhamen and was planning to conquer the world forever as immortality himself. Mass is single, trying to get on the plan of dogma, it gets caught, it get...